Carnegie Mellon University

Dietrich College Graduate Student Teaching Award

To recognize exceptional graduate student teaching, the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences offers two annual awards: the Graduate Student Teaching Award and the Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award.

The Graduate Student Teaching Award recognizes outstanding expertise in all areas of teaching: curriculum development, classroom teaching, student mentoring and assessment. The Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award is for those who have held the role with remarkable distinction, dedication and creativity.

All Dietrich College graduate students are eligible for nomination. Each department in the college may nominate one graduate student per award. Departments may solicit letters of recommendation for more than one candidate per award, and use these letters to decide which candidate will be the departmental nominee for each award. Students who have been nominated in the past, but who did not receive the award for which they were nominated, may be re-nominated.

Past Winners

Eunji Jo (Teaching Award), English
Alex Tabor (Teaching Award), History
Robyn Rowley (Teaching Award), English
Zhongxia (Ricky) Zhao (Teaching Assistant Award), Philosophy
Nisha Shanmugaraj (Teaching Award), English

Nuria Ballesteros Soria (Teaching Award), Modern Languages
Cassie Eng (Teaching Assistant Award), Psychology

Alexis Adams (Teaching Award), Modern Languages
Patience Stevens (Teaching Assistant Award), Psychology

Xiaofei Tang, Department of Modern Languages

Andras Molnar, Sophie Qin and Jamie Smith (co-winners of the Teaching Award), Social and Decision Sciences, Modern Languages and English; Andras Molnar (Teaching Assistant Award), Social and Decision Sciences

Aidan Kestigian and Mary Glavan (co-winners), Philosophy and English

Ana Cooke and Sihui (Echo) Ke (co-winners), English and Modern Languages

Dan Walter, Modern Languages

Sheila Liming, English

Doug Cloud and Ryan Miller (co-winners), English and Modern Languages

Heather Steffen and Yun (Helen) Zhao (co-winners), English and Modern Languages

Shuai Li, Modern Languages

Emily Klein, English

David Gray, Philosophy

Alex Bennett and Chan Lu (co-winners), History and Modern Languages

Necia Werner, English

Yuki Yoshimura, Modern Languages

Yuki Yoshimura, Modern Languages

Susan Hagan, English
Eiko Ushida, Modern Languages
Rebecca Kluchin, History
Susan Lawrence, English